Thursday, June 19, 2008

Movin' on up!

Sabrina has been doing great! She is almost back to her birth weight and continues to grow. She looks more like a little person every day! We had a little battle with jaundice but we are now officially out of the spotlights. 

Community South is the place to be if you are a baby! Today there were three new additions to the special care nursery. Because of her seniority Sabrina was moved into a "suite" off the main room. She is really into her new digs! 

The big news is today we got the green light to try and bottle feed Sabrina. I wish I could say she took to it like a fish to water, but no such luck. She decided she would rather nap than eat! We will be right back at it tomorrow morning.


keithv said...

hey Colin:

Congrats!!! Scott has just passed the good news. You did well picking a name for the first born. 6 years ago, my wife and I named our little one Sabrina.

Many happy times ahead,
Keith Vlk

Anonymous said...

Lisa & Colin,

I just heard the news and I am sooooo excited for you. Congratulations on Sabrina, what a cutie!

Love the blog what a great idea.

Much love to you both enjoy the time you have Sabrina, they grow up so quickly!

Liean, Josh and Lauren